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Dessert Menu
Lemon meringue
Baked meringue with lemon ice cream and lemon curd sauce
Apple tart
Baked apple pie with vanilla ice cream
Mini chocolate truffles
With a warm and liquid caramel inside
Cherry ice cream
Vanilla ice cream with meringue and warm cherry sauce
Frozen berries
Mixed berries with frozen yoghurt
Apple ice cream
Vanilla ice cream with apples and caramel sauce
More products
Workshop Schedule
April, 14 - 18
Monday, April 14
09:00 - Registration
11:00 - Introduction lecture
12:30 - Lunch
16:00 - Time managing workshop
19:00 - Round table, Hall 2
Tuesday, April 15
09:00 - Introduction lecture
11:00 - New media workshop
12:30 - Lunch
16:00 - Advanced writing workshop
19:00 - Barbecue party
Свяжитесь с нами
+1 123 4567890
База отдыха «Берег Фрейи», ул. Береговая, д. 21, д. Голубинка, Челябинская обл., +7 (900) 000-00-00, https://vk.com/bereg_freyi
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